
Anal Fissure

Anal Fissure


1. Benign anorectal diseases, including fissures, abscesses, fistulas, and hemorrhoids, are common.

2. Anal fissures occur at all ages but are more common in the 30~50 y/o.

3. It is associated with constipation, diarrhea, infectious etiologies, perianal trauma, and Crohn's disease.

4. An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anal canal distal to the dentate line, which most commonly occurs in the posterior midline. (posterior: anterior= 90%: 10%)



Primary: local trauma to the anal canal, such as after passage of hard stool.

Secondary: 肛門手術(痔瘡切除術或廔管切開術)後傷口癒合不良形成的。


 病理致病因素: internal sphincter muscle spasm

肛裂患者之肛門基礎壓力(basal anal tone)比正常人高,因為basal anal tone主要係由internal sphincter muscle來,因此有所謂內括約肌痙攣的說法。因肛門壓力高會造成肛門內襯面組織缺血,致使傷口癒合能力變差,同時也有缺血性疼痛(這可以解釋肛裂為何會出奇的痛)。另有人利用血管攝影,病理切片等方式證實在肛後中線部位之血液循環比其它部位還差,在肛內壓高時血液循環之影響更明顯,因此有裂口時不易癒合,肛裂於是形成。


1. Triad:臨近的外痔(sentinel pile),增生性乳凸(hypertrophic papilla)及肛裂中清晰可見的內括約肌,肛裂周圍的結疤。

2.少數病人肛裂會發炎,造成low short intersphincteric fistula。此外internal sphincter muscle會痙攣, 肛門內壓會昇高

3.severe pain: 尤其是在排便及便後之疼痛是病人主要症狀。通常是如刀切、撕裂般的疼痛。

 4. bright rectal bleeding: 通常是鮮紅,量不多,出現在排便或便後。

5.discharge, itching: 因臨近外痔(Sentinel pile)在肛門口之刺激,致肛門有分泌物及騷癢。


(4).Diagnosis: history+ PE

 Constipation or excessive diarrhea+ severe anal pain

Digital: 肛門很緊,會引起病人極度不適、疼痛,甚至無法讓醫師檢查。

肛門鏡檢Triad: sentinel pile hypertrophic papillaanal Fissure中清晰可見的內括約肌,肛裂周圍的結疤。

D/Dx with cancer, IBD


1.Acute: fresh laceration, usually< 6 wks, triad 尚未出現

Medical therapy — Medical therapy has traditionally consisted of three components: relaxation of the internal sphincter, institution and maintenance of atraumatic passage of stool, and pain relief.

These goals can be accomplished with fiber therapy to keep the stools soft and formed, and warm sitz baths following bowel movements to relax the sphincter.

60–90% will heal, but recurrence rates from medical therapy are higher.

Symptoms from an acute fissure usually resolve over 10-14 days with conservative treatment, however it may take 6-8 weeks for a fissure to actually heal.

2.Chronic: usually> 6 wks, triad出現

Medical therapy —  aimed at decreasing the anal canal resting pressure including nifedipine or nitroglycerin ointment applied three times a day, and botulinum toxin type A, up to 20 units, injected into the internal sphincter on each side of the fissure. Surgical therapy — Surgery should be reserved for patients in whom anal fissures fail to heal despite adequate medical therapy. The goal of surgical therapy is to relax the internal anal sphincter(減低肛壓), which is most often accomplished by a lateral internal sphincterotomy.

(a)開放式側面肛內括約肌切開術:在肛門之左側或右側面做一切口,此切口必須從肛門口到齒狀線。將齒狀線以外的內括約肌切開,可用刀切或用電燒切開,將出血點止血,再將切口之肛門皮層(Anoderm)縫合。此法的好處為內括約肌切開術均在肉眼視察下為之,較安全,確實。缺點為多一傷口,延長癒合時間。至於切開術為何在側面,是因為如果切開術選在中線易造成日後的「鎖孔缺陷」(Keyhole  deformity),影響肛門的控制力,會有氣體及稀大便的滲漏11.12





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