目前分類:醫派胡言 (36)

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Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

Acute PAOD:

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

1.Definition: aortic diameter at least one and one-half times (1.5x) the diameter

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Rotator cuff PE


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Varus and Valgus stress test: 內翻外翻,內外側副韌帶

lachman test: 評估前十字韌帶受損,令病患仰臥膝關節彎曲25-30度,將脛骨近端,向前拉牽測其位移。向前位移量小於三毫米為正常,位移量於三至六毫米為第一度(+),六至九毫米為第二度(++),位移量於十至十六毫米為第三度(+++),大於十六毫 米,第四度(++++)。向前拉牽,感覺終點為軟性(soft end point)者懷疑韌帶受損。 

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The treatment of klatskin tumor

1.      operation: 唯一提高存活率的方法

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Klatskin's tumor

1.    perihilar bile duct tumor位於肝管分枝(bifurcation of hepatic duct) 

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Facial fracture

1.      nasalorbitalethmoid fracture(NOE fracture)

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Fracture of Zygoma: the most common facial fracture


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1.      Introduction

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Bladder cancer

1.      Introduction

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Prostate cancer

1.      Introduction

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Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)

1.      Epidemiology: 1% of newborns; 30~45% in children with UTI

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BPH medical treatment

1.    The bladder outlet obstruction of BPH has two components:

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)


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Reanl echo

Renal: 9~12 cm

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ureter anatomy

長:22 to 30 cm

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Differential diagnosis of a brain mass

Primary brain tumors 

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Brain tumor clinical presentation

Generalized: Headache, Seizure, Nausea and vomiting, Syncope, Cognitive dysfunction

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Conscious disturbance


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