Prostate cancer
1. Introduction
Prostate cancer在西方國家是最常被診斷的malignancy並且也是造成死亡的首要原因。在台灣的發生率為23/100000,排名第五。Prostate cancer的發生率有增加的趨勢,是因為飲食西化,年紀增加和PSA (prostate specific antigen)的應用使得提早發現疾病有關。
Normal size: 3.5x2.5x2.5, 20gm
2. Clinical
-PSA screening: prostate cancer is often diagnosed while asymptomatic
-digital rectal examination (DRE): asymmetric areas of induration or frank nodules are suggestive of prostate cancer. (BPH: 多為symmetric enlargement and firmness)
-LUTS: urinary urgency, nocturia, frequency, and hesitancy. (但BPH也會有這些症狀)
- The new onset of erectile dysfunction: Sexual dysfunction appears to be related to advanced prostate cancer( not early).
- Hematuria and hematospermia: uncommon
3. Diagnosis(biopsy: histology prove)
-DRE: asymmetric induration or frank nodules,主要可摸到posterior and lateral側的變化,若是在其他部位則不易發現(約25~35%)
- Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)
-PSA: normal<4, abnormal>10, 若在4~10之間:由clinical, biopsy, DRE輔助判斷
(1). 上升可能是BPH, prostate cancer, bladder infection, on Foley patient
(2). 當PSA>2.5,需做TRUS和biopsy確認
(3). PSA上升速度: 一年上升>0.75ng/ ml可能是cancer
(4). PSA密度: 1gm benign prostate tissue 使PSA上升0.12ng/ ml,cancer則大於此數值(但此法不太精準,較少用)
(5). PSA參考數值因年齡而增加(because BPH)
40~49 y/o |
2.5 |
50~59 y/o |
3.5 |
60~69 y/o |
4.5 |
70~79 y/o |
6.5 |
(6). Free PSA: Free PSA在cancer時會降低,若Free PSA: PSA<0.17則須注意
(7). PSA, DRE, TRUS比較:
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) |
DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) |
TRUS (TransRectal UltraSound ) |
優點 |
Serum marker High sensitivity |
High specificity Easy to perform |
Suitable for early detection High sensitivity |
缺點 |
Not cancer specific 攝護腺發炎的病人也可能PSA高 |
Low early detection ability Subjective |
Low specificity Examinee feels uncomfortable |
4. Staging
Clinical :由侵犯區域分
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
T1 Clinically inapparent tumor neither palpable nor visible by imaging(DRE normal)
-T1a Tumor incidental histologic finding in <5% of tissue resected
-T1b Tumor incidental histologic finding in >5% of tissue resected
-T1c Tumor identified by needle biopsy (eg, because of elevated PSA)
T2 Tumor confined within prostate(DRE abnormal, 但局限於prostate)
-T2a Tumor involves one-half of one lobe or less
-T2b Tumor involves more than one-half of one lobe but not both lobes
-T2c Tumor involves both lobes
T3 Tumor extends through the prostate capsule
-T3a Extracapsular extension (unilateral or bilateral)
-T3b Tumor invades seminal vesicle(s)
T4 Tumor is fixed or invades adjacent structures other than seminal vesicles
such as external sphincter, rectum, bladder, levator muscles, and/or pelvic
5. Pathologic T stage
-95%的prostate cancer屬於adenocarcinoma
pT2 Organ confined
-pT2a Unilateral, one-half of one side or less
-pT2b Unilateral, involving more than one-half of side but not both sides
-pT2c Bilateral disease
pT3 Extraprostatic extension
-pT3a Extraprostatic extension or microscopic invasion of bladder neck
-pT3b Seminal vesicle invasion
pT4 Invasion of rectum, levator muscles, and/or pelvic wall
Gleason score (以組織分級)
Gleason score有grade1-5,grade加總越高prognosis越差。
Prostate cancer切片的tissue是heterogenous的,並非整個cancer mass都是同一個grade,選擇前兩名tumor mass佔最大的做為grade依據。有可能tumor 1是grade 3而tumor 2是grade 2,把tumor 1和tumor 2 的grade加起來,這個mass就是Gleason score:3+2。Tumor mass比較大的那個要擺在前面,所以Gleason score 3+2和Gleason score 2+3雖然總分是一樣的,但3+2比較嚴重prognosis 比較差。
6. Prognosis factor
好 |
中等 |
差 |
Pre-treatment PSA |
<10 |
10-20 |
>20 |
Gleason score |
≦6 |
7 |
8-10 |
Clinical stage |
T1-2 |
T3 |
T4 |
7. Treatment
以Radical prostatectomy, external-beam radiation therapy, and interstitial radiotherapy (brachytherapy) 為主
(1). 早期:organ-confined disease (T1/T2, N0M0)平均餘命大於10年:
-Radical prostatectomy (包含laparoscopic RP及 robotic-assisted RP)
-RT (包含brachytherapy, intensity-modulated RT, image-guided RT及proton therapy)
-Watchful waiting (年紀大的病人)
-現在有冷凍治療cryotherapy (利用echo-guided transperineal needle implantation將腫瘤冷凍再解凍,殺死癌細胞)
(2). 中期:locally advanced disease (T3/T4, N0M0)平均餘命為 6-8年:
-HT (hormone therapy): anti-androgen agents
-Androgen包括testosterone和dihydrotestosterone (DHT)會刺激prostate cancer的成長
HT的目的就是要降低androgen levels,使tumor可以縮小或停止生長
(3). 晚期:metastatic disease (N1 or M1) 平均餘命為3+ years:
Hormone deprivation
-Surgical castration (orchiectomy, 去勢)
屬於hormone therapy的一種。因為睪丸是androgens (testoserone)的主要來源,把它切除後也可以減少androgen levels。( Adrenal glands也會產生testosterone,所以睪丸切除後,體內還是可以測到testosterone)。
-LHRH agonist
Chemotherapy- Castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)/Hormone resistant prostate cancer (HRPC)
Prostate cancer平均18~20個月開始會resistant to hormonal therapies
Definition:有達到castration level( check testosterone levels)、symptomatic、rising PSA、increasing image findings。
Metastatic HRPC平均餘命受prognostic factors影響為 7.5 to 27.2 months (兩年左右),此時hormone therapy無效,可用Docetaxel-based chemotherapy (Q3 week docetaxel and prednisone),當作palliative treatment。If tolerated, treatment should be continued for 10 cycles or until disease progression。