Carotid-cavernous fistula
(1) 特徵:Unilateral Pulsating Exophthalmos
(2) Classification:
1. Direct type: high flow,主要發生在頭部外傷後,因為內頸動脈破裂,血液直接進入海綿竇所造成。
2. Indirect type: low flow,又稱dural type:可為自發性發生,是因為分支腦膜血管裂孔,血液流入海綿竇所造成。
(3) Classification depending on the type of arterial supply
Type A -Fistulous supply from the internal carotid artery
Type B -Supply from the dural branches of internal carotid artery
Type C- Supply from the dural branches of external carotid artery
Type D -Combined forms
(4) Direct type介紹
1. After head injury 1~2 months
2. 屬於AVM,血流堆積在ophthalmic vein,造成眼球充血外凸(proptosis, chemosis, and scleral edema)
3. Ear可以聽到脈動
4. 嚴重時可併發青光眼、角膜炎、視網膜及視神經的缺血,並造成視力受損(未接受治療的患者約有90%會失明)。
(5) Diagnosis
MRI scan with MRA/MRV, CT angiogram and a cerebral DSA
(6) Treatment
balloon embolisation via a catheter in the internal carotid artery
PS. Cavernous內含
internal carotid artery, CN3,4,5-1,6