External Ventricular Drainage (EVD, ventriculostomy)

1.      Indications:

To relieve raised intracranial pressure (RICP)

To divert infected CSF

To divert bloodstained CSF following neurosurgery/hemorrhage

To divert the flow of CSF

2.      Location

the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle(Kocher's point: 2.5 centimeters from the midline, 11 cm posterior to the nasion)


3.      Function(利用連通管原理,所以管子要打水進去)

(1). 測量腦壓

(2). 引流

4.      Remove

The EVD should remain in situ for no longer than 10 days. After this time the entire system should be removed or changed in theatre.

5.      hydrocephalus的手術治療

(1). VP shunt

(2). EVD


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