

1.      The Monro-Kellie hypothesis

cranial compartment= brain tissue+ CSF+ blood= 定值(1400 to 1700 mL)

2.      Introduction

Normal ICP<15 mmHg, if ICP> 20 mmHg: IICP


3.      Factor regulating cerebral blood flow

(1). Autoregulation

Cerebral perfusion pressure= MAP - ICP 

-為了保持cerebral blood flow(CBF),腦中mean artery blood pressure維持在50-140mmHg。由MAP調節CPP

(2). PaCO2



(3). PaO2


(4). Blood viscosity (Hct)

-Hct下降,blood viscosity下降,則血液流通性越好,CBF會上升。


(5). Body temperature


(6). Neurogenic control





4.      Etiology

(1)   Brain edema: acute hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, large cerebral infarction, severe traumatic brain injury

(2)   Hydrocephalus:

(3)   Space-occupying lesion: tumor, hematoma

5.      IICP sign

Headache, vomiting, papilledema, conscious disturbance

6.      Cushing triad

bradycardia, respiratory depression, and hypertension


7.      CT image

(1). Loss of sulci

(2). Compressed ventricles, loss of fourth ventricle

(3). Loss of cisterns

(4). Midline shift

8.      Indication of ICP monitor

(1). comatose head injury patients with Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 3 to 8, and with abnormal cranial findings on CT scan.

(2). Comatose patients with normal CT scans have a much lower incidence of elevated ICP unless they have the following features at admission:

- Age >40 years

- Unilateral or bilateral motor posturing

- Systolic blood pressure (SBP) <90 mmHg

9.      Herniation

(1). Subfalcial

(2). Transtentorial

(3). foramen magnum

 brain herniation

10.  Treatment


(1). Resuscitation: Head elevation, Hyperventilation to a PCO2 of 26 to 30 mmHg, Intravenous mannitol(1 to 1.5 g/kg)

(2). Monitoring and the decision to treat: The goal of ICP monitoring and treatment should be to keep ICP <20 mmHg and CPP between 60 and 70 mmHg

(3). Sedation: Propofol is useful

(4). Antiepileptic therapy: Seizures can both complicate and contribute to elevated ICP. If seizures are suspected; prophylactic treatment may be warranted in some cases.



(1). Mannitol: Osmotic diuretics reduce brain volume by drawing free water out of the tissue and into the circulation, thus dehydrating brain parenchyma. The effects are usually present within minutes, peak at about one hour, and last 4 to 24 hours.

(2). Other diuretics: Furosemide(0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg, IV), may be given with mannitol to potentiate its effect. (this effect can also exacerbate dehydration and hypokalemia.)

(3). Hyperventilation: Use of mechanical ventilation to lower PaCO2 to 26 to 30 mmHg has been shown to rapidly reduce ICP through vasoconstriction and a decrease in the volume of intracranial blood. The effect of hyperventilation on ICP is short-lived (1 to 24 hours); a 1 mmHg change in PaCO2 is associated with a 3 percent change in CBF.

(4). Barbiturates: reduce brain metabolism and cerebral blood flow

(5). Removal of CSF: When hydrocephalus is identified, a ventriculostomy (EVD) should be inserted.

(6). Decompressive craniectomy



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